Lenten Journal – Day 19: Day of rest; being home and replenished

Third Sunday of Lent Mass readings

John 4:15 – The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I may never be thirsty or have to keep coming here to draw water.”

The church teaches us not to fast on Sundays because it’s the Lord’s day; a day of thanksgiving and celebration of Jesus. I spend Sundays together with my kids, attending Mass, have a nice lunch and just rest or relax whole day. It allows the body to  calm down and recuperate after a week long at work; and all the household chores on Saturdays; and other social events we have been invited to.

Sundays also gives me time to reflect about the homily given by the priest; and how to apply it on my life. But most of all, it allows me to savor the presence of God in me and my life. We have just receive Jesus and it feels more than wonderful, beyond words. I feel home and replenished! And by God’s grace, ready to face again any challenges that may come during the week.